Welcome to the Republic of Texas Investigative Services

You will immediately notice, No Flashy Pictures or Nonsense. We Manage our Time & Resources, which are inevitably Your Time & Resources as efficiently as we do this page.

Who we are: Retired Law Enforcement Investigators with over 40 years of experience. What we do: Investigations for specific Attorneys & Law Firms. Investigations involving Public Safety & Public Officials who find themselves under investigation and need to protect their reputation and career.

Our standard fee is $125 per hour with a $625 retainer. Because we are methodical & efficient most of our Investigations are concluded within the retainer. If you do not fall into the Law Firm or Public Official category, you may still contact us with your concern and we will refer you to an Investigator we have vetted. If you employ our referral, a $50 fee will apply. Regardless, we hope you are able to obtain a resolution to your concern.

**** Notice****

If you become aware of a potential violation of Texas Code, Chapter 1702 regarding a licensed or unlicensed company and or individual in the Public Safety-Private Security industry, you may submit a written complaint to the Regulatory Services Division.

You may submit the complaint in any of the following ways:

  • Online at: https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/private-security/consumer-complains
  • Download PSP-22, complete the form and mail to:
    Texas Department of Public Safety
    Regulatory Services Division
    P.O. Box 4087
    Austin, Texas 78773

Remember Public Safety and Professional Standards are Everyone’s Business.